Handmade paper and wood Barn Swallow sculpture

Handmade paper and wood Barn Swallow sculpture

from £525.00

This little Barn Swallow is life size and completely made to order, as such if you have any specific requests on pose or display then please just ask.

This distinct Passerine bird is a beautiful little bird that is widespread throughout the world and instantly recognisable with it’s beautiful colouring and incredible flying style whilst catching insects in the air. If you are lucky enough you may even get a couple nesting in the side of your home and get to watch the young grow up and fledge.

When making this Barn Swallow Zack really takes time to look and pay attention to every detail of this stunning bird. After collating many photos of every angle he then drew out a full set of blue prints in his big book of birds, from the form of the wings through to each and every feather shape, every detail is planned out.

From the detailed drawings Zack then goes about reconstructing the bird from the page.

Starting with the bird’s body he carves the shape out of a block of obeche wood, getting the correct mass and form before carving details into the beak and adding eyes and clay eyelids. The feet are then handmade from metal wire with epoxy clay sculpted on top for lifelike legs and feet.

Once the base of the bird is ready, Zack will then start making the wings and tail from his drawings, cutting each feather out of 160gsm Pastel paper before laying and gluing them in place, precisely following the bird book blueprints. Once the tail and wings are formed they are then attached to the body of the bird.

Now for the lengthy process of cutting each and every paper feather out and using his trusty scissors to feather all the edges before gluing them down individually, layering them up form the tail right through to the beak. Every single feather is unique and makes the final bird a complete one off piece of art.

The last stage is one of Zack’s favourite, painting the details and life into the bird. Using a variety of acrylic paints, some iridescent, Zack takes his time to add life and shine to each and every feather, the eyes, the beak, right down to the little toes, nothing is left out as Zack is obsessed with the details and he always says, “Nature deserves attention to detail.”

This obsession with detail creates a lifelike little bird made with passion and love and a complete one off piece of art.

There are three options for display, bird alone, inside a bell jar perched on a branch or inside a bell jar perched on a wooden post. If you would like the bird in another pose or display then do just ask, Zack is open to anything.

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